"Seth is one of those people who takes immense pride in helping others. He doesn't try to double talk you, his ability to simplify the hardest problem is amazing. He will stay with you until you understand the issue. His knowledge base in infinite. He is my go to guy with questions and he is alway always responsive. Thank you Seth!!!!"
Nerd's Ocean of Notion
The reason I call it my “Ocean of Notion” besides the fact that it rhymes, is that Notion truly is like a VAST OCEAN in terms of the incredible number of things you can do with it, multiplied by the incredible number of WAYS that you can do any one of those things.
You can use Notion just for note taking. And you can use it to run your whole life. And everything in between.
In Lesson 1 I start you off with a basic intro to Notion and all of the things you can put on a page.
Except for databases!
Because that’s reserved for Lessons 2 and 3 - Notion Databases and More About Databases.
From tables, to calendars, to boards, galleries, and more, you can store data in a system that makes it ridiculously organized, categorized, and easily referenced.
Then in lesson 4 we’ll bring it all back together with some tips, tricks and hacks that make Notion the perfect geometric linking system.
Most databases are linear. Notion is geometric because it is easy to link anything to and from anywhere. You don’t need rows and columns, but if you like rows and columns then you learned in lessons 2 & 3 how you can set up a Table Database and there you have it.
And yet I can still be somewhere far away from that table database and I can use the ‘@’ tag to link to something in that table!
This is Notion, and this is why I like to think of it as an Ocean.
It’s vast, and not in an overwhelming way, but in a way that is incredibly useful because it is so versatile!

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-- Seth David, Chief Nerd, Nerd Enterprises, Inc.