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If You Mix Up Personal And Business Expenses In QuickBooks Online accounting and bookkeeping expense reimbursements personal expenses quickbooks online Dec 31, 2022

If You Mix Up Personal And Business Expenses In QuickBooks Online

This can go two ways:

  • Pay for a business expense with personal means (better)
  • Pay for a personal expense with business means (commingling)

The bottom line is that it's bad to commingle personal and business funds.

I hope it never...

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How to use QuickBooks Online in 2022 - A Crash Course in QBO quickbooks online Nov 06, 2022

I woke up this morning and remembered that a client who recently agreed to pay me for some extra work had never paid me for it. So I looked it up in QuickBooks Online and noted that he had not yet paid the invoice. This was of particular importance to me because I actually don’t want him as...

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How to Record Income + Sales Tax From a Prior Period In QuickBooks Online accounting and bookkeeping income quickbooks online sales tax Nov 03, 2022

It happens! It happened to my client not long ago in a galaxy not so far away! He held an event outdoors and collected a bunch of cash for merchandise they sold. They kept good records, but completely forgot to share them with us so we could record everything and pay the sales taxes. And now that...

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QuickBooks Online Classes vs Locations accounting and bookkeeping classes locations quickbooks online Nov 01, 2022

If you use QuickBooks Online then the question of Class vs Location is bound to come up at some point.

When I am asked by people, which one should I use? My answer is always both!

First let me show you where to go to turn these features on in the QuickBooks Online Settings.

Click the Gear Icon...

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