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Nerd's Guide to the Galaxy

Why Every Accountant Should Look at eCommerce as a Niche ecommerce webinar Aug 30, 2023

Use code: 'ecomm' for 20% off on my eCommerce course:


Webgility coupon codes:

Ecommerce Accounting, Inventory, Analytics Automation | Webgility



For monthly billing cycle, 25% off for first one year



For annual...

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How to Enhance Your Workflows with Bublup for Accountants and Bookkeepers bublup information management knowledge management webinar Jul 11, 2023

Welcome to the Replay for this webinar.


You are truly in for a treat here. Most of the people who attended live seemed to be blown away by what Bublup can do.


Got questions? 

Use the Ask Nerd form on your right!


Get Bublup here  https://www.bublup.com/join/8W6tf3uW

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Excel vs Google Sheets excel google sheets webinar May 01, 2023

Remember how in the webinar I mentioned about how easy it is to publish Google documents on the web?

Here's the slide presentation from this very webinar (it was done in Google Slides):


Part 1 - What is the Difference Between Excel and Google Sheets


Both Microsoft Excel and Google...

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Nerd's Roadmap - What I'm thinking and Working On Right Now accounting and bookkeeping bulletproof bookkeeping process and workflow design productivity roadmap webinar Apr 06, 2023

Here’s the roadmap for Nerd’s Courses for 2023


Welcome, intro and 97 & Up


First, how is everyone doing? It’s been a crazy few years with lots and lots of changes. 


As I think most of you know I have been at this for a long time now and it’s...

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The Curious Uses of Clearing Accounts With QuickBooks Online clearing accounts ecommerce quickbooks online webinar Jan 28, 2023

It’s a good day for a clearing account! Or so the expression goes!


Or doesn’t it?


I created this video many moons ago to make it easy for me when I had to explain The Undeposited Funds account. 


But the undeposited funds account was always a bit limiting....

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